Monday, November 25, 2024

Final Push Through IS101

    Hi everybody and welcome back to my blog. I know it's been quite some time but between IS101, me getting sick, my other two classes and my job finally providing me with more hours (a little too late now but that's a topic for another day) I've been busy. Speaking of IS101 lets hop straight into today's topic,  4.5.5 Skills Lab: Format Pages and 5.7.9 Skills Lab: Use Advanced Functions. The most life changing skill I have learned through my entire experience in IS101 is simply page breaks. It's quite funny because I just ended up using this skill a couple of days ago when I was reviewing/editing my Resume. My column wasn't going the way I needed to in Google Docs, so I switched over to Word and fixed it in seconds. I'm sure that there was a way to accomplish that in Docs but I have grown so accustomed to Word that its been my go to for everything as of late.
    Unlike with Word, I haven't had the chance to experience (5.7.9) Excels Skills Lab: Use Advanced Functions outside of class but this particular LabSim project is one of the key reasons why I have earned my Excel certification. I seriously would have never thought that Microsoft Excel was anything complex but I respect people who use this in their everyday lives a lot more now. Putting information into those tiny little cells is more complex than you could ever imagine. I practiced so much and am very proud of just how much I have accomplished in this course and can't wait to receive my last two certificates.
    With all of this information being said I am slightly off course when it comes to my IS101 assignments but if I can dedicate a day to catch up I know that I wont have anything to worry about come the end of this class. Very excited to see if I can finish this course for good!


  1. Hi Jenae! I didn’t know also that Microsoft Excel is that complex. I’m glad we tackled advanced functions in Excel too. It will definitely help me save some time in the future.

  2. Hello Jenae, it is cool to learn that page breaks have really made a change to all of your work and can admit that it has been useful for me also, with my english class.

  3. I also thought Excel seemed easy at first, but it’s definitely more complex than it looks. Congrats on earning your certification!

  4. Hello Jenae. Just like everyone else, I was surprised at how complex Microsoft Excel is. Great to hear you are applying the skills that you learned.

  5. You could not have said it any better. The experience with word and excel has been awesome and an eye opener.

  6. Hello Jenae, great that you use a break to help yourself easier edited your columns in word

  7. Jenae!! I know you'll finish strong and I wish you the best on gaining all of your certifications! I use excel daily. I've taken several courses on it and this class still taught me things I didn't know. Its a great tool but one that comes with feeling like there's always something to learn.

  8. Hi Jenae, I also found myself in the position of being off course and behind on assignments for IS 101. As you said, I also find a day to fully catch up with assignments to be able to feel good finishing IS 101.

  9. Hey Jenae, glad to see you are getting better, good luck with finishing class!

  10. Hi Jenae, I really wasn't expecting Excel to be as hard as it was. As much as it does the math for you, I still confuse myself a whole lot.
